Win-Win Relationships Are Built Into Our Business

Kami on the left foreground

At Far Horizon an important aspect of running international photo tours is making a positive impact in the areas we operate. We constantly look for ways we and our local operators can benefit from our long term relationships.

In Nepal, we’re happy to announce our local guide of choice, Kami Sherpa, has recently passed his Mountaineering Orientated First Aid class thanks to previous and future guests.

Not only does this formal training add a layer of safety and experience to our own tours, it affords Kami, a freelance mountain and cultural guide, valuable and marketable skills that help him procure clients during the 47 weeks out of the year we don’t run photo tours in Nepal.

We subscribe to the “rising tides lift all boats”. This means we look for ways to not only make our business more successful, but also ways to help our local operators become more successful.

Congratulations go out to Kami for taking this important step for everyone’s safety!

That’s Kami on the right